Half soul poster
23 min 2023 Fiction

Half soul

In a world materialized and devoid of humanity the sale of souls becomes a very successful business, suicidal offers their souls against a monetary value offered to their family, it is the fantastic story of a father who is obliged to sell his soul to save the life of his dying baby girl.



Direction and Production

Marwen Trabelsi
Marwen Trabelsi

Marwen Trabelsi

Marwen Trabelsi is a Tunisian photographer and director. After studying audiovisual, he directed several experimental films, four fiction films and four documentary films...

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Hajer Nefzi
Hajer Nefzi

Hajer Nefzi

Hajer NEFZI, a film and television director and producer, graduated from ISAMM with a professional master's degree in production and directing. She founded her own produc...

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