Daghbaji poster
14 min 2021 Drama


Daghbagi (1885 – 1924) is a tunisian fellagha who joined the national resistance against the french colonizer for the liberation of Tunisia, imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement, he suffers from a dissociative identity disorder and is threatened and harassed by police commissioner Philipe Lauren. He plans to take revenge for the cruel and inhuman treatment that he undergoes, but without success what turned his last hours into suffering and agony despite all the efforts made by his girlfriend Messaouda to get him out of it. In addition to the personal torture he is experiencing, Daghbaji is worried about his country and his family and deplores the Tunisian South War on the eve of his execution.


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Direction and Production

Wajdi Moussa
Wajdi Moussa

Wajdi Moussa

Wajdi Moussa, born October 8, 1990 in Korba, is a Tunisian screenwriter, director and producer. He graduated from the International Institute of Languages and Communicati...

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