Zaineb hates the snow poster
94 min 2016 Documentary , Drama , Feminist

Zaineb hates the snow

Nine-year-old Zaineb lives with his mother and younger brother in Tunis. Her father died in a car accident. Her mother is about to start her life over again with a man who lives in Canada. We told Zaineb that there she will finally be able to see the snow! But she doesn't want to know anything. His stepfather and Canada don't inspire her to trust him, and Zaineb doesn't like snow.
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Direction and Production

Kaouther Ben Hania
Kaouther Ben Hania

Kaouther Ben Hania

She studied at the School of Arts and Cinema in Tunis. During this training, she directed several short films, one of which, La Brèche, is noticed. In 2003, she also part...

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Habib Attia
Habib Attia

Habib Attia

Tunisian film and television producer, Habib ATTIA has been the manager since 2007 of CINETELEFILMS, one of the most active production companies in Tunisia and its region...

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