Hedia Ben Aicha


Born in Sousse and living in Tunis, Tunisia, Hedia Ben Aicha graduated from the the Maghreb Institute of Cinema "IMC". She has worked as a script-girl since 1998 at CANAL HORIZONS, on film "Elhahdra" directed by FADHEL ELJAZIRI, on a series of sketches "Me and You" by Hamda Elmili and different TV series produced by the ANPA to Channel 7. In addition, Hedia was a Production director and editor on the documentary film “THE NATION OF THE BOOK” directed by Mohamed Barrak and produced by FINAL CUT PRODUCTION. Her films include "The Martyrs"(2011), "SIDAW" (2013), "Waktech" 2013, "The Constituent National Assembly" (2014), and finally "Maamoura Style" (2015) , "The castle of the olive tree" 2019.

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