Riadh Thabet



Mohamed Riadh Thabet, born in 1958, is the youngest of 2 filmmaker brothers. It was only natural that he embraced a career as a sound engineer in his early days, taking part in numerous national films (Traversée, L'homme de ashes, Soltan El Médina, Halfaouine, etc.) and international films (2h-1/4 before Jesus Christ, Pirates, Raiders of the Lost Ark…). In 1985, he invested in the purchase of cinematographic equipment and founded, with his brother Faouzi, their own production company ULYSSON. It produces and co-produces several types of projects for television (Variétés, hidden cameras, etc.), a wide range of commercials, documentaries (Bleu de Tunisie, etc.) as well as national short and feature films (Affreux, Cupides et Stupides, Woh , …) and international (The cursed island, …)

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