Hedi, a wind of freedom poster
88 min 2016 Drama

Hedi, a wind of freedom

Hedi is a wise and reserved young man. Passionate about drawing, he works without enthusiasm like commercial. Although his country is changing, he remains subject to social conventions and lets his family make the decisions for him. While her mother is actively preparing for her wedding, her boss sends her to Mahdia looking for new clients.
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Direction and Production

Mohamed Ben Attia
Mohamed Ben Attia

Mohamed Ben Attia

Mohamed BEN ATTIA was born in Tunis in 1976. He studied audiovisual communication at the University of Valenciennes in France after graduating at the Institut de Hautes E...

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Dorra Bouchoucha
Dorra Bouchoucha

Dorra Bouchoucha

A film producer, Dora Bouchoucha is an essential face of cinema in Tunisia, but also abroad. The one who has been involved in various film festivals around the world has ...

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