Stranded poster
26 min 2015 Comedy


Ghassra, an Arab taxi driver faces difficulties answering nature’s call. He wants to relieve himself by a tree, but is challenged by the election candidate, the soccer fan, the extremist and the policeman.



Public reviews

Direction and Production

Jamil Najjar
Jamil Najjar

Jamil Najjar

Jamil Najjar was born in 1980 in La Goulette, he obtained in 2000 a diploma of assistant director at the Higher Institute of Arts and Multimedia in Manouba. In 2003 he di...

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Imed Marzouk
Imed Marzouk

Imed Marzouk

Imed Marzouk studied management at IHEC (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Commerce) before becoming an assistant on the series "Chams âlik" through which he reconnects with ...

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